Pam’s walk from Bakewell

So most of the group either had a lie in following Glenys’ party last night – or they were put off by the promise of a spot or two of rain.
Never mind, 4 of us drove down to Bakewell and set off for a walk along the river then up through the Haddon estate to Rowsley, just a few short showers of rain so far. Then it seemed to be getting geavier so it was on with the overtrousers. Howard suggested that we should shelter in a barn for lunch, which was a very good idea as the rain was now setting in for the day and it would be our last chance to be dry for a while.
We carried on and when we reached Calton decided to take the shorter route back, rather than continue into Chatsworth. We watched a couple of fast jet planes flying low back and forth above us, presumably a demonstration for the Chatsworth Show. I would like to tell you what sort of planes they were but we did not have a planespotter in our group.
We continued, ever wetter but still in good spirits and the rain did ease a bit as we neared the end.
Driving back home we stopped in Buxton for petrol and Geoff remarked that the price had dropped by 2p a litre since the morning so I said it was worth staying out in the rain to save money!
So to the rest of you I say: Shame on you for wimping out of a nice walk – but at least you stayed dry!
thanks Pam for a nice walk
Sue T
PS the distance was 8.879806 miles (converted from km on my pedometer)
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1 Response to Pam’s walk from Bakewell

  1. SWOG says:

    Would have been there. But 3 stitches under my foot stopped me. Plus was not the beer from the party as I only had 2 small cans of beer.

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